Sunday 29 January 2012

My name is....

So, I think I told you a while back that H had decided she was going to change her name.  Well, she changed it to Penny, and has been Penny the last few weeks.  We always call her by her real name, and usually the reply is 'my names not H, its Penny!'
Anyway... over the last week, she has also been Polly and Bella... where these other names are coming from I don't know.

Today at the supermarket with Dad, she did her usual thing of asking people what their name is, what their nick name is, and when they asked her what her name is, the reply was 'Um... I don't know'.  It seems we are between names at the moment!

Saturday 28 January 2012


The other day after I said something to my girl, she came back with 'Awesome', its been a month since we were in NZ, but obviously she is still processing things.  Cousin C vocab has obviously rubbed off on her!

Monday 23 January 2012

Too cute not to share!

After sitting on the toilet for about 10 minutes H announce 'that she had twins and needles'!

Too cute!

Sunday 22 January 2012

Do the Wiggle's have cars?

On our way to the Camberwell Market today, H announces... 'Do you think The Wiggles' have cars'... to which I answered, 'I'm sure they do'... She answered back with ...'Anthony would have a blue one... Greg and Sam would have yellow ones... Murray a red one... and Jeff a purple one'  

How cute!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Ice blocks...

So the big girl and her Dad have gone to Lysterfield Lake for a swim.  I said to Dad to take some money as there is a shop, and they might want to get an (said as if spelling!) i c e   b l o c k... the big girl immediately said, Can I have an ice block?'  Can't believe my 2yr old can work out what I am spelling already!

Friday 20 January 2012

An argument with herself!

Today, when my girl was using the toilet, she began an imaginary discussion, which turned into an imaginary argument with none other but herself.

It was hilarious to listen to.  It went something like this... 

'I'm the mum.'  
'No you're not, you're Penny.' 
'No, I'm the Mum!' 
'No you're not!  You are Penny'...   

This went on and on for about 5 minutes.  She was amused, as was I!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Couch potato...

This morning when H woke she announced 'Today I am just going to watch TV and eat!'  Uh Oh... hope I haven't bred a couch potato!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

On our summer evening walk...

Later on we went for a walk, and she said to Dad 'What are you looking at, you hockey puck!'  a quote also taken from Toy Story.  Hoping Puck doesn't turn into anything else!


Today H quoted Buzz Lightyear, calling her Dad a 'strange little man'!

Monday 16 January 2012

Too busy...

Often in the morning, when I am trying to encourage H to play on her own, I tell her I can't play as I have jobs to do.

Tonight when Dad was trying to get her to do her teeth, she told him 'I'm too busy, I have jobs to do!'

Saturday 14 January 2012

One from Dad...

This post is from H & O's Dad.
H & I were reaching the end of a big walk and she was riding in the back pack.  As we got to the bottom of a big hill...
Dad: 'Look there's the park!'
H: 'Yeah! There's the park! - You can't see it dad... you aren't looking hard enough.'
Dad: 'Um yes I think I can see too...'
H: 'No Dad, you can only see trees. You aren't looking hard enough. I can see it because I'm looking hard. '

Friday 13 January 2012

...or an...

This morning my girl and I were having a conversation... H correctly said '... it was not a tiger or an elephant'.  She blows me away!

Thursday 12 January 2012


H or should I say Penny... is currently eating 'r-sert' known to most people as dessert!

It wasn't me!

In the car on the way home... 'It wasn't me!'... 'Hmmm?  What wasn't you?'... 'It wasn't me that farted!'.  Ha!


This is how it goes in our house!

Flèle Jacques, flèle Jacques,
Dormez-thou? Dormez-thou?
Saday mada dina! Saday mada dina!
Bing bang bong, bong, bang bing.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

My name is Penny!

My girl has changed her name.  For the last two days every time we say her name, she says 'That's not my name... my name is Penny'.  She is adamant and never slips up!  
Where does Penny come from I hear you ask?  Penny is a fire fighter on the 'Fireman Sam' DVD series. 

Tuesday 10 January 2012

My hands are full too!

My girl was watchind a DVD on the mac... she was eating a muffin for afternoon tea... she turned to see her drink bottle on the coffee table in front of me, and said 'Can you give me my drink bottle please.'  I was busy breastfeeding and replied with, 'I can't at the moment... I am a bit busy!'... that was when she turned back to her muffin, picked two pieces up and said 'I can't do it..., my hands are a bit full!'

Monday 9 January 2012

Dress up dolls.

My girl has these little wooden dolls that you dress and undress.  She is playing a game and is calling one of the two Codeine.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Eating playdough.

Dad and H made a play dough icy pole... they were sitting at the back door watching the rain.  H would pretend to lick the icy pole... on the odd occasion she would actually lick it, and would each time say... 'It just goed next to my mouth' or 'It goed next to my mouth again'.

Saturday 7 January 2012

New words...

My girl has taken to a few new words over the last few days... those words being...

1. definitely
2. exhausted
3. certainly

She can pronounce certainly perfectly, but has a little trouble with the other two, however she uses them perfectly in context!  
I love watching my girl's language skills develop!

Thursday 5 January 2012

I have a few for you today...

Firstly, My girl was a tad angry with me and told me she would 'Cut me in half' - where she would get this from I have no idea!

Secondly, We were singing on our way home from a friends place, My girl kept telling me I wasn't allowed to sing, to which I answered 'I can sing if I want to' I was then told that I was 'not the best'... I couldn't stop laughing!

Lastly, we were having a lovely time out in the garden, Me pulling weeds, H making cakes with sand, dirt, stones and grass!  Very much enjoying each others company... when suddenly H announces 'You shouldn't live here Mum', I said 'Who should live here', her reply... 'Just me and Dad!'
Fine!  I know when I'm not needed!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

No spitting!

Me sitting on the computer, H sitting on the couch  -  H says 'Mum, can you say no spitting' to which I replied 'No spitting', she then said 'Sorry Mum, I was only trying to whistle, but I couldn't'

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Monday 2 January 2012

My girl

This blog is all about my daughter and the funny things she says!  

She will be 3 in March.  She has a great grasp of the english language.  Her first words were Mum, Dad, bird and bath time.  By 12 months she had around 100 words.
She is pretty clever, constructing most sentences perfectly... but still says some hilarious things.

I wanted to share them with you as they happen.